Sonic Runners was a rapid-paced game that introduced the renowned Sonic the Hedgehog franchise to mobile devices. Created by SEGA and Sonic Team, it presented a distinctive interpretation of the traditional Sonic formula, emphasizing brief, engaging gaming experiences.
The game utilized a side-scrolling endless runner mechanic, allowing players to control Sonic and a squad of characters as they navigated through multiple stages. The objective was to gather rings, vanquish adversaries, and evade obstacles while attaining elevated scores.
Essential characteristics encompassed:
Character roster: Players could acquire and utilize a variety of Sonic characters, each possessing distinct skills and playstyles.
Boosters and power-ups assisted players in surmounting hurdles and enhancing their scores.
Multiplayer: Participants can engage in competitive online races against friends or other gamers.
Customization: Players had the ability to personalize their characters with various garments and adornments.
Utilizing Mouse and Keyboard.
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